The Theater Resource Centre

Joey and Auguste

Joey & Auguste is the continued exploration and expansion of the six masks created in Clown through Mask, allowing you to discover the extreme nature of the clown.

Joey and Auguste

In this course, you will be working with other clowns on stage – developing relationships based on the archetypes of the ultimate victim, the ultimate manipulator, and the composites that lie in between these two extremes.

We will also begin to work with voice and text. (Pre-requisite: Clown through Mask)

General Information


October 17th to October 21st 2016


Monday to Friday - 9:30am to 1:30pm


TBD (?)


300 Euro


Cecchi Centro Multiculturale
Via Antonio Cecchi, 17
Torino, Italia.



More Information:

Eligibility: Anyone who has done Clown Through Mask

To register for this class send an email to: Elisa Gallo Rosso