The Theater Resource Centre

Clown Through Mask

Clown Through Mask 1

Based on the pioneering work of Richard Pochinko, this process synthesizes Native American and European clowning traditions to guide you in the discovery of clown. Participants are taken on a journey exploring colour, innocence and experience.

Six clay masks are made which create a personal mythology. As they are worn and explored various characters emerge which form and define your clown.

We need to build a clown who speaks to today, that is not just a collection of gags, but an archetype that reveals the essence of the performer.

Clown Through Mask 2

This is clown that gives us a larger sense of the divine in each of us, that celebrates our humanness, our animalness, and the times that we can touch each other in a moment of laughter.

General Information


October 3rd to October 15th 2016


Monday to Friday - 9:30am to 1:30pm


October 15th 2016 at 8:00pm


600 Euros


Cecchi Centro Multiculturale
Via Antonio Cecchi, 17
Torino, Italia.



More Information:

To register for this class send an email to: Elisa Gallo Rosso